Random and Related: “I Can’t Believe you Practice Family Law”

zara suleman practicing family lawThought #1

A few times each month I will hear these words: “I can’t believe you practice family law.”

Sometimes these are words said with sympathy, as if people truly feel sorry that each day I have to wake up and wade into the dissolution of someone’s relationship or marriage. They are truly sorry that I do such sad work. Poor you.

Other times people say these words to mean they are glad there are people like me that do this work –
thank goodness. It’s like I’m running into a burning building of a breakup fire and taking people out.

There is a slight admiration in the tone – a “glad it’s you not me” doing that work. And then there are times that people say it with a sense of disgust and offense, like I was harming little puppies or banning rainbows…the grim reaper of love.


Thought #2

People might think that as family law lawyers we are only witness to anger, rage, conflict, yelling, crying, chaos and crisis – which can all be true – but what people might not know is that sometimes we also witness incredible love, respect, kindness and care.

Sometimes people don’t want to break up but they no longer fit or they are just at the place to recognize that they never really did fit.

Sometimes it is honestly life-affirming to witness couples going through a separation where the parties treat each other with such high regard and work towards leaving each other in the best possible place when they part.

I’m not going to lie – these moments do not happen all the time; they are still rare, but even if few in number, they are an honour to witness and a testament and goal for us all.

Part with kindness and respect. Leave each other better not worse.