Why Are We Still Missing?

  1. How can it be that there are law associations, bar associations, legal organizations, and boards with no BIPOC members, few BIPOC members, or no BIPOC members in leadership? 
  2. How can it be that I can take a course in family law (or any law course) and there are no BIPOC faculty or any information in the course addressing BIPOC issues?
  3. How can it be that law schools have few BIPOC law professors and deans?
  4. How can it be that provincial and national legal conferences can still have the majority of programming be absent of BIPOC presenters, materials, and topics? 
  5. How can access to justice initiatives be absent of BIPOC leadership and yet still discuss “access” to “justice”?
Zara Suleman practices family law and fertility law and is the founder of the law firm, Suleman Family Law. She is also a certified family law mediator and collaborative law practitioner. Zara has also been actively involved in presenting, training, writing and editing materials on family law issues. She has done extensive professional development and academic research in the areas of family violence, specifically violence against women and children. Prior to law school Zara was a front-line community advocate for over a decade, working extensively on issues involving violence against women and children, anti- racism, immigrant and refugee issues. Zara has had her short stories, poetry, articles and research accepted to various publications across Canada and the United States. Zara was awarded the 2018 Equality & Diversity Award from the Canadian Bar Association BC Branch. Zara's professional website is at - sulemanfamilylaw.com -